Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Freezing Cold!!!!!

I'm sitting at home under 2 different blankets attempting to warm up XD Wow...I don't think I've ever felt really so frozen before in a long time! But I'm still very cold...oh well I'm just going to curl up under more blankets and hope to warm up....and am starting to become bored going to turn on some music and have a bunch of different poem ideas flow through. It was completely random but 2 weeks ago when my mom took me out of the house and i was able to sit in the sun...I had the most random story idea!!! I was just sitting there and it was almost like it was suddenly happening in front of my eyes as i sat there.

The story idea that popped up goes like this:

The sun is shining on a cold winter day but little heat penetrates through the cold. An orange pickup truck is speeding around a corner, fishtailing and hitting a car on the side. It just speeds on forward the engine roaring as the man driving it floored the vehicle to go faster. 
In the street are kids about the age of 4-6 years old, having a snowball fight in the street. A beautiful six year old girl, with white blond hair, is in the middle of the street throwing a snowball at a friend of hers. 
The young girl's mother is in their house getting hot chocolate for the kids while talking on the phone to another friend. The mother gets done talking on the phone and the hot chocolates are ready. She steps out onto the front porch with the steaming mugs on a tray and she instantly sees the orange truck. The woman drops the tray in complete horror at seeing her daughter in the street. 
The young girl throws the snowball at her friend and turns to look at her house. She sees the speeding orange truck but it doesn't register to get out of the way. She sees that her mother has just dropped the tray of mugs. The girl's eyes instantly lock onto her favorite mug and watches it as it falls. As the mug hits the porch and shatters the young girl screams in complete agony...the orange truck has hit her and drove over her without slowing down at all. The girl is thrown off her feet and tumbles under the truck's tires. The driver feels the bump but doesn't slow down, he only floors it to get away from the house.
The mother screams and is running off the porch yelling for help. The other kids around stare in horror as the young girl lays still and her head begins the bleed on the snow. The girl still barely conscious only sees her blood mix with the snow and stain her hair in blotches of red. She then dies in the middle of the street when her mother reaches her side. But it is too late for the young girl...

That story idea hit me in a rush!!...deciding yet what to do with oh well. Later people...need to stop some drama crap going on right now...... :/ great ~.~`

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