Thursday, January 13, 2011

School >.>

Another great day at school....that is normally what parents would like to hear when they talk to their kids...But what if it was a bad day? How do you explain that to them? How do you explain a situation that has gone from bad to worse? Should you try to ignore it or try to take care of the problem?
I don't know...just rambling on randomly XD hahahahahahaha! Being random is great fun!! I hope that it doesn't snow a lot this weekend...i don't care for the snow XP heh heh. I really miss my friend from NY...I really want to go visit her. She is great fun and always can cheer me up from any down mood. Oh well, maybe someday...i also need to figure out what to get her for a christmas gift! I feel so way behind since falling sick with pnuemonia... :/ bah hahahaha I am getting better though!!! Slowly as I still cough constantly but that gets the crud all out so it's all good....maybe XD I really don't have anything else on my mind except an assignment that I am going to work on...i might blog later know with me XD hee hee!!!
OH!!!! GUNSLINGER!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! I love the buttons!!!!! Thank you again!!!!!!! I will get your gift to you asap!!!! well later ;P

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