Thursday, January 13, 2011

Drama -_- DX

Ugh!!! So much drama going on in my life right now that it is ridiculous!!!!!! I have not had so much drama since....i don't even remember when!!! ha ha ha ha ha ha that's pretty sad XD I am very thankful though for my friends who have helped me through some of the drama. Thank you ^.^ Well i got more of my story done so i am happy though not really sure which direction it is heading....oh well heh still enjoy writing it!!!! 
Listening to my mom play cards with my aunt and grandpa also with the dogs playing around with her pup so she'll go to bed tonight. They are playing phase 10...haven't played that game in like...forever!!!!!!!! XD lol oh well...crud i need to figure out what to do for winter royalty... O.O wow i can't believe that it is already to that time....the year has blown by so fast!!!!! I can hardly believe that it has gone by so fast!! My senior year is already half over...after i graduate i'm going to miss a lot of my friends...I really am....gah i feel like i'm going all mushy now XD lmao so instead of going too to stop blogging and work on my story... *sigh* or maybe do actual homework >.>

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