Friday, February 18, 2011

Not Much to Say

Surprisingly it has been difficult the last few days to decide what i should blog about so i stay ahead or keep up or how ever it goes XD I was looking at some things last night and realized that i have changed so much that it's really scary. i also found a poem that i had written without going out with this guy whom i had really liked and yeah >.> I don't think I should post it because one paragraph possibly could be a little inappropriate but i really do want to post it just to see what others think of it....i don't think i will though til someone looks at it and says it's ok to put up XD
I got to babysit my bird's babies yesterday and it was amazing!!!! i really love having them come over and it sounds like they are coming over again next week for possibly 2 days :D yay!!!! Party time for me with them XD they'll be bigger then normally.
after the babies went home I went over to Ashley's and played a game with her, Danielle *not sure on spelling* it was so much fun!!!!!!!! i really enjoyed playing with everyone who was there even if i don't fully understand all of it yet! XD i don't care! i still had a heck of a time and it was a great stress reliever so that helped as well but mostly it was just nice  to be with some people who i might soon consider friends. 2 i already do and the others i'm getting to know better so yay XD lol and my wrists really hurt now so i think i'm going to stop typing >.< so smart of me hahahahahaha

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