Thursday, February 10, 2011

Another Bad Day......

*sigh* This week is turning out to be a really really bad week...first the drama on monday and now this crap...My mom and bro were fighting over what he could put on his class ring because he wanted to put Dean, Dawn, Devin, Lynn and my mom only saw that he wanted Dawn and Lynn then she freaked out....and the hell starts raining over our finally after their fighting he decided to put something completely different. Some German phrase which is much better because it is more like my finally now my mom is fussing over it but in a really bad mood which she shoved onto me and has totally got me now i am.......i have no idea.....i just know that i am really hurt and stuck......sorry to complain i'm done now.....

1 comment:

  1. Hey you, you know it's not your fault and you shouldn't feel bad for talking about your problems that's the whole point of an online journal isn't it? Anyway, I just wanted to say that I love you and I hope that this makes your day better! We'll have to do something tonight for sure and hopefully this weekend; I know your mom wouldn't mind if I was with you. We'll have a girl's time alright? Ice cream and chicky flicks included- deal?
