Monday, February 7, 2011

Bad Monday

Wow...I think this is the worst Monday that I have had ever so far just this new year....apparently I am being talked about behind me back >.< really do not like that!! If you have a problem with me...then come to my face and don't complain to other people who have their own problems to worry about!!! Sorry am really frustrated with the recent news that I just got *.* It is really testy becasue it's so screwed up!! Just because I am concerned with someone and I talk to another person to try and figure out what to do doesn't make me a bad person.....well at least I don't think it does. I also know that the person I talked too really cares for this same person but has a lot more wisdom than I do so that's why I went to them. I don't know all of it, what i really know is that I am now being scorned by that person for being concerned and am having love troubles XD ha ha ha ha ha ha oh well just another day isn't it...ugh drama........................ &_&
Well at least I got my picture story done!!! XD I am happy that I got that all done and over that it is all written out I can really see why I wrote it the way i did... >.> don't ask hee hee it is not a good ending for my characters basically. This day has gone from mostly good to down right crappy!!! I really need a friend to come over and hang out with me >.< but also who i want to talk too is about a gazillion miles away so...i really miss talking to them...I might try and call them tonight just to see if I can't get a hold of them :D that would help make the day better and also good news too....I am beginning to wonder why I even bother to help people out when it just comes back and bites me in the butt in less than a few days......maybe I should really stop and just retreat for quite a while...
Please don't say anything like it will get better >.< I know it will but I am just having a frustrating day and feel like ranting...mostly to get things off my chest :/

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