Friday, January 28, 2011

Shattering poem... :/

My life is shattering before my eyes.
I take a step down the path to move on,
And it is like glass breaks from above
To only fall down…stopping me from taking
That path…with pain coursing through
My veins and my body covered in gashes
All over…they cover everything…the
Pain is almost too much I cannot bear…
It much longer and still be me.
It is like listening to my heart shatter
During a regular school day…it
Continues to shatter everyday…
The pain is getting to me and I cannot
Hide the fact that it hurts much longer…
I am lost, hurt, and confused…so where
Does that leave me then?

I don't know I just had a random thought after getting made fun of by a kid that treats me like a really hurt what she said is all i know but i can't remember what she is even said which is pretty said >.> *sigh* i just know that i had to get feelings out and i've been wanting to post some more poems on this site so then i won't lose them or totally forget them...BUT ON THE OTHER HAND!!!!!!! I AM SO EXCITED FOR TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ashley is coming over <3 and we are goign to discuss murderers, possibly watch movies, eat ice cream and just have fun!!!!! i am really excited for that i know for sure!!! I hope that she can stay the night!! That would be even more amazing!!!!!!!

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