Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mortal Instruments

Ok for the past few weeks I have been reading the Mortal Instruments series and I finished the last book today during SSR....I DIDN'T WANT TO FINISH IT!!!!! :( I just looked at the book dumbfounded that I had already finished it...I haven't read a series like this one that drove me absolutely nuts!! I seriously just sat there staring at the last page thinking, 'It's over...NO IT CAN'T BE ALREADY!!!!!' My friends looked at me really weird when i grabbed my bookbag and shoved the book in it >.< I explained that I finished the book when I did't want too and they laughed which was fine by me. I really enjoyed reading them though!!!!! Absolutely an amazing series...gah!!!! I'm still sad that i finished them...might go buy the series since it was so amazing!!!!!! So if you get the chance and like to read, you should read this series!!!! It might be just my opinion but I really really really loved reading them!!! The twists and turns have you hopping through the books >.> well that was how it was for me at least XD hahahahahahaha...well...really nothing much more to blog about so i think i'm just going to finish my biography thingy....need to take out some memories....oh well. later ;p


  1. I'm always like that with a good book or series, its a curse to finish a good book so quickly. So I pretend I didn't and reread the entire thing; it definitely works. So, off topic I totally think that we should get together Friday night and chit chat it up with your mom and watch some awesome movies and have an epic time doing so! I think I might get some icecream involved this time though and some "snackies" like Doritos and what not. Let me know what you think girly, asap! I love you Ryo-chan.

  2. Yay!!! Glad someone else is like that! I might do that with this series because I really enjoyed them! XD Hee hee, Yes I think we definitely should!!! I will txt my mom after school because she's in grand island right now with our grandma and a friend having a blast. O.O ICECREAM!!!!!!!! YUM XD hahahahahaha. I love icecream but yes we must do that because it was absolutely so much fun to do last time!!!!!! I will let ya know :P I love you too <3 lol
