Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Wow I was talking to my mom last night looking for some funny stories to put in my biography and I learned that apparently I called a bat a bee... XD That was really funny to hear about actually!!! I don't know I just randomly had words popping into my head and that's what they created for me...hope it's good.

Memories come and go.
They are quick or long.
They can be subtle.
Some are buried deep
in our mind.
While others are right
at the surface.
Some are locked up
and are ment not to be
looked at.
Some are to be shared
and to enjoy by others.
Memories are
matter if we want them
to be or not.
They are always there...
no matter how far we
bury them under the surface.

Okay then...Now I feel completely random by that but then again that is just apart of another insane day!!! Holy crap, hee hee, I actually yelled at someone today during lunch because that person had called some of my friends queers with a teacher nearby. He is hardly ever taught a lesson or anything and that was the last straw of what to say to my friends when I am there...So I yelled at him for it and didn't get in trouble which is even better!!! But really I don't like it when a person does that at least to my friends...Eh...might be a little weird but oh well XD It is apart of who I am....I thought about blogging last night about a whole bunch of things that I learned last night that I apparently did when I was a lot younger...I called a crab apple tree; a crap apple tree >.> Mom laughed until she cried when she told me about that...I felt really silly then but I didn't mind....There's really not much to blog about today so I think I'm done blabbing my mouth ;P

1 comment:

  1. Its very interesting to hear about things you say when you are younger. Apperently I used to hear my grandma say "crap" all the time so I walked into a room and asked my mom, "What is all this crap doing here?"
