Sunday, January 23, 2011

Randomness ;P

Wow!! We got a lot of snow last night XD ha ha ha, Big fluffy flakes almost all night...It was very beautiful to watch! I miss my friends...I really wanted to see them last night but the dance was only postponed which means I can do it another time this week!! It was weird because yesterday I went out to deliver my papers and my car was literally sliding everywhere I went! I hardly could make it on my route but it was still really fun but cold also.  
Holy cow they are showing an ASPCA commercial and I am wanting to cry because I love animals very much and I hate how people can just abandon or abuse their pet!!!!!!! It's not right and to me very wrong! I wish that more people would help animals out instead of hurting them more...Someday I would really love to help animals!! That would be amazing if I could help them out one day...oh well that is in the future to come.....nothing really to talk about so I think i'm done blabbing my mind

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