Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pep Rally

Well, I normally don't get into the pep rally's at any of the schools that I have been in, but today's was very hilarious!! My favorite part of it would be the part where the teachers are dancing! That will be alot of fun to give teachers some crap on it later but I will be nice because I thought it was really cool. A few of my friends went down to do the rock-paper-scissors competition thing but none of them made it to the finals. Oh well, they had a lot of fun doing it so that's all that matters. I am now going to have to add that to one of my funniest viewed videos on youtube! hee hee, Also I am going to show it to some people that I know will get a kick out of it and think awesome...or maybe not...I don't know for sure yet. there's the link if you want to watch it if you can't find it.
I am looking outside and am getting very tired of looking at snow constantly outside...I am really tired of it even though I did the poem on it. It just gets old too me fast...Just me though ^_^

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