Wednesday, January 19, 2011


So apparently it is snowing again...yipee :/ we don't need anymore snow!!! ha ha ha, I even am tempted to randomly write something again about it ;P no way jose XD I want to be where it is nice and warm! My friend who is Oklahoma called me the other day and was bragging about how he was outside! It was about 78 degrees there so i told him, 'I hate you,' not really meaning it. Oh well...this is nebraska for you sadly XP
Ok, so my dogs love to go for rides with any of us and mom went out last night to get my brother and his friends. She called the dogs along and apparently Trina jumped off the bottom of our steps out front and fell down instantly. She didn't know that there was ice there and just went down hard on the sidewalk. She is ok, but it is actually very funny because that dog can run very fast when we go to the dog park or anywhere with a big area. She will run extremely fast and not even once lose her balance. Trina trys to stop by our other dog, Rosie, when she is running really fast and mostly manages to run into her. It is quite comical and always fun to watch.
Well there is nothing else really to blog about so i think i'm going to go and do something else now. ;p later

1 comment:

  1. I love how I can learn the weather just by reading people's blogs here!
