Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Scooby Doo!! XD

Well my mom came home just a while ago and has a new sweat shirt on again...I have no idea why she is wearing a red one when her favorite color is orange but still looks great. I noticed though that when she got home she had embroidered scooby doo on it again!!! ha ha ha, this is the 3rd sweat shirt of her's that she has embroidered only scooby on it. Lol, if you don't know my mom loves scooby doo very much! The van even has scooby doo on it and the windows as well XD hee hee. But that is my mom for ya with scooby doo...she has started embroidering with a brother sewing machine and absolutely loves it! Me...i think i'm going to break the thing because i don't do well with sewing thingys XD but any way she really loves it and is having a great blast with it. A sweat shirt that she is going to embroider for me sometime is one with fishing on it for when we can go fishing again in the spring and summer!
Sitting here thinking randomly i just realized that i fell 3x today and bruised on all 3 spots of the fall...OUCH!!! lol, both of my knees are bruised again like my last fall that i had still this year and then i fell on my hip which really hurt XD i've never fallen on it before . Most of the time i just either fall backwards or straight to my knees...i'm surprised that they are able to still move so easily! ha ha ha, so yeah i new have 4 bruises which is the least number that i've ever had...
hm...I wonder what the weather will do tonight...we were only supposed to get flurries today i found out and then i saw that it was snowing pretty good for a very long time. o.O i just realized that i've have now changed the subject of my topic about 3x now XD wow...maybe my lucky number should become 3! Since today i've done a lot of things in threes without even realizing it. I'm not sure...I might just figure this all out tomorrow because i am tired right now honestly...actually i'm surprised that i'm even still up!!! I am exhausted from all the running around after school that i had to do......eh can't complain here ha ha ha ha ha, well before i start to bore people to death i think i'm going to stop blogging now XD well laters ;P

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