Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Court :P blah...

So today I got to leave school early to head home and get dressed up nice for court. It was funny when someone would ask where I was going and I'd turn around and reply Court! They gave me the funniest look I've ever seen ha ha ha! Still cracks me up right now...probably going to have a lot of questions to answer tomorrow...eh whatever.
 I didn't want to go originally, but then my parents lawyer said that since it's my graduation and I want my great grandmother to attend then I need to go and be there. When mom told me this yesterday...it made my decision of whether or not I was going to go. So I went and I'm glad I went but at the same time I'm just so frustrated...it's like I could have been doing something more productive than just sitting on my arse listening to a judge and 2 lawyers brawl it out and stupid witnesses lie their arses off on the stand!!! Gah, 2 dang witnesses basically lied about everything they said while the last one was my mom and she told the complete truth! I know she did because I was there half asleep the whole time! XP ugh...
wow...I can't believe we have 4 more days of school left O.O dang!!!!!!!!! this year has flown by so fast that it's like whoa! Wait a minute! Where did the time go?! ha ha ha, oh well. I'm excited for summer and things to come!
I had a great time at prom with the guy that went with me :D I'm really glad that I had a great time and he seemed to have a lot of fun as well!!! We stayed till like 5 minutes till dance ended and left. Changed clothes for post prom fun and headed off to school. Went nuts there...he beat me at like everything we did!!!! I only beat him at one thing and that was shooting a freaking nerf gun XD wow...ha ha ha ha ha, I laughed so hard that I almost cried. It's funny because he's in the Air Force National Guard or something like that and I know that he just does maintenance but come on...wouldn't you still have to be a good shot? hm...I don't know...maybe it's just me :P ha ha. I just had to give him crap for that though while we were there. Then we stayed the whole time and oddly enough...i won an IPod touch...I already have one XD which is much better than the one that I won. Mine is a 32 gb and the other one is 8 gb...Hm...definitely big difference between the two XD It was funny because my face was surprised when they called my name out and I was like, WTF?! Did they actually call my name?! My friend looked at me happily while I stood up still surprised that they drew my name. Still pretty cool so grabbed it and sat down XD ha ha, and some of my other friends were like hey...ya know you already have an IPod why don't you just give it to me XD I just said no way and hid it in my purse ha ha. 
As we were leaving though the guy wanted to jog to his car, and I was game for it but then Rudy, a student there, yelled out, 'Hey Devin! I'm gonna mug ya for that IPod!' As soon as he said it I ran XD I just took off with the guy following behind almost trying to figure out what was going on, but I was laughing and having fun. So it was all good! lol
Well...not much else to say right now besides talking to an old crush of mine and a friend who doesn't talk to me often so it's really cool right now :P well later and its just been another completely insane day! XD

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