Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Oy Vey

Great more drama to make life just peachy...I really don't need this right now, but I know that I will hear it through til the end. I don't care how much it will hurt me, I'll be there through it all. GA! >.< DJAO;IRJDIOFJAKDJFOEKWUIO;NGDFANFJKEIOAJGTIEOAHJ nice way of putting swear words that I really want to say XD lmao...
Dang snow needs to go away!! I'm so tired of it! I want spring and rain to be here!!!! I'm ready for it!!! Not more of this white carpoolie!!! I am ready for the sun to come out and play and not just through clouds...I want it to warm up and be spring!!!
The next movie I want to see in theaters is Red Riding Hood! It looks so amazing!!! Saturday night, I believe it was, I went with Ashley and Hannah to go see Sucker Punch! IT'S AN AMAZING MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really enjoyed it!!! I like it a lot better than some of the other psychological films that I have seen and miserably failed to impress me...This movie though...WOW!!! It out did it's own self!!!! I LOVE IT!!! I'm excited to see Ashley cos playing that girl with the pigtails...I can't really remember her name, sorry. 
Ok so how the fudge do you think your cool if you sing the stupidest song ever!!!!! XD sorry ranting on like a nut XD hahahahahahaha really though am getting annoyed with that dang song!!!

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