Thursday, March 24, 2011

So the movie that we are watching in creative writing is actually a heck lot better than I thought it would be!! I watched a few commercials for the movie, but I thought that it was going to be really stupid. so I wasn't planning on watching it...but now that we are watching it; I'm really glad that we chose that movie!!! And it's really annoying that I can't remember the name of it for anything!!! XD It's really frustrating me because it's an amazing movie and I really am enjoying it. Ashley said it's a great movie and after watching it now I can really see how great it is!!! AH!!! I just remembered the name!! It's Kind of a Funny Story! This movie is epic!!!! I really really like it!!! When it comes out or if it's already out i'm going to ask if we can buy it, and I'm going to watch it with my mom XD She would really enjoy this movie as well and I want to watch it again :D
My favorite character in this movie would have to be Noelle who is played by Emma Roberts!! I am really getting a liking for this actress XD I know that might sound wrong but whatever! I think she is great and pretty. Sadly, I really hope that she doesn't become corrupt like a lot of other actors and actresses or even singers... >.< really annoying how they are all becoming corrupt with the fame and fortune!!!
Like for instance Miley Cirus....the teen who has thousands of little girls who think she is amazing and want to do everything like her; all of a sudden she does pole dancing and wears skimpy outfits DX dear god!!!! GET A CLUE PEOPLE!!!! We already have a corrupt society enough! We don't need it ruing any worse!!!
Also like Brittany Spears when she first started all innocent and good but then totally became corrupted and now I hate to listen to her...I used to love her music but then she went to all skimpy ass clothes and then I hated her... I know that isn't right but it's how I feel about her turning into the person she is today. It's freaking ridiculous!!!!!
Sorry I am just really frustrated with how our world is turning in today XD ok so I think I am done blogging and crabbing for now. Another insane day to go through! YAY!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love that movie and I'm really glad that we got to watch it for class!!
