Thursday, April 14, 2011

12 Days Left

Wow!! Time seems to be flying by with the school year coming to an end and the seniors are all getting ready to graduate. Then summer and new school to restart all over...I can't believe that we have less than 2 weeks of school left O.O still amazes me how fast this year has flown by. One day it seems like we are just starting school and then the next it's like holy crap! ~.~ It's near the end of school!!! :P hahahahaha 
My friend and I have been discussing what we are going to do over the summer and thinking of getting a place together which I think is amazing! She's an amazing friend and I want to stay friends with her for a very long time!
Friends are a wealth we can't afford to lose. But like any wealth, we only keep the best for ourselves and let others take what we can't have.          A new friend of mine quoted this and I think it's amazing! This is so true and it seems really great.
So i've found a guy that I really like and he's told me that he likes me as well but he's not ready to get in a relationship...he just broke up from one recently and i don't know what to do about it...I really like him I don't know I'm just blabbering i'm just done for now!
STILL 12 DAYS LEFT!!!!!! Yay!!!!

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