Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Court :P blah...

So today I got to leave school early to head home and get dressed up nice for court. It was funny when someone would ask where I was going and I'd turn around and reply Court! They gave me the funniest look I've ever seen ha ha ha! Still cracks me up right now...probably going to have a lot of questions to answer tomorrow...eh whatever.
 I didn't want to go originally, but then my parents lawyer said that since it's my graduation and I want my great grandmother to attend then I need to go and be there. When mom told me this yesterday...it made my decision of whether or not I was going to go. So I went and I'm glad I went but at the same time I'm just so frustrated...it's like I could have been doing something more productive than just sitting on my arse listening to a judge and 2 lawyers brawl it out and stupid witnesses lie their arses off on the stand!!! Gah, 2 dang witnesses basically lied about everything they said while the last one was my mom and she told the complete truth! I know she did because I was there half asleep the whole time! XP ugh...
wow...I can't believe we have 4 more days of school left O.O dang!!!!!!!!! this year has flown by so fast that it's like whoa! Wait a minute! Where did the time go?! ha ha ha, oh well. I'm excited for summer and things to come!
I had a great time at prom with the guy that went with me :D I'm really glad that I had a great time and he seemed to have a lot of fun as well!!! We stayed till like 5 minutes till dance ended and left. Changed clothes for post prom fun and headed off to school. Went nuts there...he beat me at like everything we did!!!! I only beat him at one thing and that was shooting a freaking nerf gun XD wow...ha ha ha ha ha, I laughed so hard that I almost cried. It's funny because he's in the Air Force National Guard or something like that and I know that he just does maintenance but come on...wouldn't you still have to be a good shot? hm...I don't know...maybe it's just me :P ha ha. I just had to give him crap for that though while we were there. Then we stayed the whole time and oddly enough...i won an IPod touch...I already have one XD which is much better than the one that I won. Mine is a 32 gb and the other one is 8 gb...Hm...definitely big difference between the two XD It was funny because my face was surprised when they called my name out and I was like, WTF?! Did they actually call my name?! My friend looked at me happily while I stood up still surprised that they drew my name. Still pretty cool so grabbed it and sat down XD ha ha, and some of my other friends were like hey...ya know you already have an IPod why don't you just give it to me XD I just said no way and hid it in my purse ha ha. 
As we were leaving though the guy wanted to jog to his car, and I was game for it but then Rudy, a student there, yelled out, 'Hey Devin! I'm gonna mug ya for that IPod!' As soon as he said it I ran XD I just took off with the guy following behind almost trying to figure out what was going on, but I was laughing and having fun. So it was all good! lol
Well...not much else to say right now besides talking to an old crush of mine and a friend who doesn't talk to me often so it's really cool right now :P well later and its just been another completely insane day! XD

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hope...Where are you?....

So one of my new friend's is someone that I actually like! He also told me that he liked me back as well but now he is telling me that he likes some other girl....my heart is in so much pain and turmoil it's frustrating.... :/ I don't know whether to try and become more or just to let him go...because it's said that if you love something you can let it go to fly or something. *sigh* I really like this guy though but he...i really don't know...guys are so confusing!!!!!!!!!! I kind of want to curl up and just disappear so it's easier but no i'll keep on living life ^.....^ ...maybe XD haha kidding. I am debating whether or not to go to my room and stay alone or what not right now...I really don't understand men and I'm a Tomboy even! XD ha ha ha...oh well...I don't know what to do...but anyway Easter Break is here and we have like 5 days off from school! hee hee, that is always nice except today I was completely bored from the time i woke up til about time for routes...so weird XD lol
Also another friend of mine is becoming depressed I think slightly and it's frustrating because he has no reason to feel depressed!! This kid has it dang good but yet i don't know! XD I got to go walking with my family excluding bro because he's a butt head but we walked around a lake and it felt great to do that :D lol and I even got to see the guy and meet a South Korean guy. He was really nice and I was very glad to meet him... *sigh* I really should just shut up now because I think i'm just rambling...but really...this guy I really really like him and I am so confused as to what to do...well another insane day!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

12 Days Left

Wow!! Time seems to be flying by with the school year coming to an end and the seniors are all getting ready to graduate. Then summer and new school to restart all over...I can't believe that we have less than 2 weeks of school left O.O wow...it still amazes me how fast this year has flown by. One day it seems like we are just starting school and then the next it's like holy crap! ~.~ It's near the end of school!!! :P hahahahaha 
My friend and I have been discussing what we are going to do over the summer and thinking of getting a place together which I think is amazing! She's an amazing friend and I want to stay friends with her for a very long time!
Friends are a wealth we can't afford to lose. But like any wealth, we only keep the best for ourselves and let others take what we can't have.          A new friend of mine quoted this and I think it's amazing! This is so true and it seems really great.
So i've found a guy that I really like and he's told me that he likes me as well but he's not ready to get in a relationship...he just broke up from one recently and i don't know what to do about it...I really like him though...so I don't know I'm just blabbering on...so i'm just done for now!
STILL 12 DAYS LEFT!!!!!! Yay!!!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Oy Vey

Great more drama to make life just peachy...I really don't need this right now, but I know that I will hear it through til the end. I don't care how much it will hurt me, I'll be there through it all. GA! >.< DJAO;IRJDIOFJAKDJFOEKWUIO;NGDFANFJKEIOAJGTIEOAHJ nice way of putting swear words that I really want to say XD lmao...
Dang snow needs to go away!! I'm so tired of it! I want spring and rain to be here!!!! I'm ready for it!!! Not more of this white carpoolie!!! I am ready for the sun to come out and play and not just through clouds...I want it to warm up and be spring!!!
The next movie I want to see in theaters is Red Riding Hood! It looks so amazing!!! Saturday night, I believe it was, I went with Ashley and Hannah to go see Sucker Punch! IT'S AN AMAZING MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really enjoyed it!!! I like it a lot better than some of the other psychological films that I have seen and miserably failed to impress me...This movie though...WOW!!! It out did it's own self!!!! I LOVE IT!!! I'm excited to see Ashley cos playing that girl with the pigtails...I can't really remember her name, sorry. 
Ok so how the fudge do you think your cool if you sing the stupidest song ever!!!!! XD sorry ranting on like a nut XD hahahahahahaha really though am getting annoyed with that dang song!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

So the movie that we are watching in creative writing is actually a heck lot better than I thought it would be!! I watched a few commercials for the movie, but I thought that it was going to be really stupid. so I wasn't planning on watching it...but now that we are watching it; I'm really glad that we chose that movie!!! And it's really annoying that I can't remember the name of it for anything!!! XD It's really frustrating me because it's an amazing movie and I really am enjoying it. Ashley said it's a great movie and after watching it now I can really see how great it is!!! AH!!! I just remembered the name!! It's Kind of a Funny Story! This movie is epic!!!! I really really like it!!! When it comes out or if it's already out i'm going to ask if we can buy it, and I'm going to watch it with my mom XD She would really enjoy this movie as well and I want to watch it again :D
My favorite character in this movie would have to be Noelle who is played by Emma Roberts!! I am really getting a liking for this actress XD I know that might sound wrong but whatever! I think she is great and pretty. Sadly, I really hope that she doesn't become corrupt like a lot of other actors and actresses or even singers... >.< really annoying how they are all becoming corrupt with the fame and fortune!!!
Like for instance Miley Cirus....the teen who has thousands of little girls who think she is amazing and want to do everything like her; all of a sudden she does pole dancing and wears skimpy outfits DX dear god!!!! GET A CLUE PEOPLE!!!! We already have a corrupt society enough! We don't need it ruing any worse!!!
Also like Brittany Spears when she first started all innocent and good but then totally became corrupted and now I hate to listen to her...I used to love her music but then she went to all skimpy ass clothes and then I hated her... I know that isn't right but it's how I feel about her turning into the person she is today. It's freaking ridiculous!!!!!
Sorry I am just really frustrated with how our world is turning in today XD ok so I think I am done blogging and crabbing for now. Another insane day to go through! YAY!!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

No Idea

Wow...it's been a really long time since I've blogged but that's because I'm actually trying to get a real life out in the real world now. I've been hanging out with my great friend and I'm really glad that she is a friend of mine. Without her life would be in the shits for me >.>' It has just gotten so frustrating and stressful but with her I can forget it all for a long time! It's great to know though that I have such a wonderful friend! I love her very much <3 I
Yeah we both have our problems but we each try to be there for the other and that just makes it even easier to bear things with.

“We are friends and I do like to pass the day with you in serious and inconsequential chatter. I wouldn't mind washing up beside you, dusting beside you, reading the back half of the paper while you read the front. We are friends and I would miss you, do miss you and think of you very often.”

Jeanette Winterson

I like this quote...I just randomly found it but it's really cool so i'm now going to go on a quote spree XD lmao

A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.
Oscar Wilde

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.
Edgar Allan Poe

Any idiot can face a crisis - it's day to day living that wears you out.
Anton Chekhov

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

All good music resembles something. Good music stirs by its mysterious resemblance to the objects and feelings which motivated it.
Jean Cocteau

All music is beautiful.
Billy Strayhorn
For me, singing sad songs often has a way of healing a situation. It gets the hurt out in the open into the light, out of the darkness.
Reba McEntire
A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination.
Nelson Mandela

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

ok so there are more quotes but I won't put them on otherwise this would be a too big of a blog post XD this is good for now though i like it...i'm done now

Monday, February 28, 2011

I waited but you never came.
I stood there in the rain, waiting for you in the cold night.
My tears streaming down my face.
You could not see them because of the rain.
My body soaked but you were still not there.
I waited and waited all through the night but you never came.
My heart broke that night, when you never came.

The worst feeling isn’t death….It’s knowing that you aren’t needed…That you are alone in this world and that you no longer have a reason to live…
I found these last night when I was searching through my computer for pictures of my grandma and of anything else. I was really excited when I found them so I thought that I would just post them.
Well there has ben a lot of drama going on at my house which is really starting to wear my family thin, first there is the bull crap dealing with my grandma in Grand Island. We can't call her, can't see her, can't write a letter to her; we can't do anything with her!!! I am so sad because I miss my great grandma so much because she has been a huge part of my life and all of a sudden I can't talk to her at all recently.
Then I had a friend who was almost always coming over and we literally treated her like one of the family well guess what?! that just blew up in my face recently because she was trying to start a effing rumor that my brother's gf is pregnant and she isn't even close ya idiot!!!! So we refuse to have her over again or do anything nice with her. We even last year during summer, we went to Valentine, NE for vacation and we had taken her along...and this is the repayment we get for being always so nice to her.....screw that crap!!!! I will not stand for that with my family. I already have enough to worry about without her help. so now she is officially scratched out totally!! >.< sorry about that but I am really not happy with what she did.
Then I have a guy who really wants to go out with me and is literally begging me on faceboook and I don't even know who he is!!! I told him know and he just won't take no for an answer. I've already been hurt one too many times by guys who promise to do that one thing, Never hurt you. but then they turn around and stab you in the back which is just as bad with the situation above! It's like a double back stab and it hurts -_- I am so frustrated.
But i did go to Winter  Royalty with Ashley, Danielle, and Jared (no idea why he came but still fun). It was so much fun!! I had originally planned to go bowling with the same people and others but then the others bailed out on us. So then I went over there dressed up because I thought I had to and well then we decided to go to the dance! It was fun and I got to surprise a lot of my friends by randomly showing up because they didn't expect me to go so it was awesome!! Then we spent the night at Danielle's house and we played a game that was called Boys Are Stupid or something where if we got 5 rocks we could supposedly throw them at boys but we didn't get too but it was still alot of fun to play it! It was a lot of fun at her house :D I hope that I can have another sleep over with them again ^^ XD lol. well there isn't much more to talk about so I think i'm done blogging for now. last week was boring so maybe this week will be different...Another insane day in an already insane world!!!!! Yay XD