Friday, January 28, 2011

Shattering poem... :/

My life is shattering before my eyes.
I take a step down the path to move on,
And it is like glass breaks from above
To only fall down…stopping me from taking
That path…with pain coursing through
My veins and my body covered in gashes
All over…they cover everything…the
Pain is almost too much I cannot bear…
It much longer and still be me.
It is like listening to my heart shatter
During a regular school day…it
Continues to shatter everyday…
The pain is getting to me and I cannot
Hide the fact that it hurts much longer…
I am lost, hurt, and confused…so where
Does that leave me then?

I don't know I just had a random thought after getting made fun of by a kid that treats me like a really hurt what she said is all i know but i can't remember what she is even said which is pretty said >.> *sigh* i just know that i had to get feelings out and i've been wanting to post some more poems on this site so then i won't lose them or totally forget them...BUT ON THE OTHER HAND!!!!!!! I AM SO EXCITED FOR TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ashley is coming over <3 and we are goign to discuss murderers, possibly watch movies, eat ice cream and just have fun!!!!! i am really excited for that i know for sure!!! I hope that she can stay the night!! That would be even more amazing!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mortal Instruments

Ok for the past few weeks I have been reading the Mortal Instruments series and I finished the last book today during SSR....I DIDN'T WANT TO FINISH IT!!!!! :( I just looked at the book dumbfounded that I had already finished it...I haven't read a series like this one that drove me absolutely nuts!! I seriously just sat there staring at the last page thinking, 'It's over...NO IT CAN'T BE ALREADY!!!!!' My friends looked at me really weird when i grabbed my bookbag and shoved the book in it >.< I explained that I finished the book when I did't want too and they laughed which was fine by me. I really enjoyed reading them though!!!!! Absolutely an amazing series...gah!!!! I'm still sad that i finished them...might go buy the series since it was so amazing!!!!!! So if you get the chance and like to read, you should read this series!!!! It might be just my opinion but I really really really loved reading them!!! The twists and turns have you hopping through the books >.> well that was how it was for me at least XD hahahahahahaha...well...really nothing much more to blog about so i think i'm just going to finish my biography thingy....need to take out some memories....oh well. later ;p

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Wow I was talking to my mom last night looking for some funny stories to put in my biography and I learned that apparently I called a bat a bee... XD That was really funny to hear about actually!!! I don't know I just randomly had words popping into my head and that's what they created for me...hope it's good.

Memories come and go.
They are quick or long.
They can be subtle.
Some are buried deep
in our mind.
While others are right
at the surface.
Some are locked up
and are ment not to be
looked at.
Some are to be shared
and to enjoy by others.
Memories are
matter if we want them
to be or not.
They are always there...
no matter how far we
bury them under the surface.

Okay then...Now I feel completely random by that but then again that is just apart of another insane day!!! Holy crap, hee hee, I actually yelled at someone today during lunch because that person had called some of my friends queers with a teacher nearby. He is hardly ever taught a lesson or anything and that was the last straw of what to say to my friends when I am there...So I yelled at him for it and didn't get in trouble which is even better!!! But really I don't like it when a person does that at least to my friends...Eh...might be a little weird but oh well XD It is apart of who I am....I thought about blogging last night about a whole bunch of things that I learned last night that I apparently did when I was a lot younger...I called a crab apple tree; a crap apple tree >.> Mom laughed until she cried when she told me about that...I felt really silly then but I didn't mind....There's really not much to blog about today so I think I'm done blabbing my mouth ;P

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Randomness ;P

Wow!! We got a lot of snow last night XD ha ha ha, Big fluffy flakes almost all night...It was very beautiful to watch! I miss my friends...I really wanted to see them last night but the dance was only postponed which means I can do it another time this week!! It was weird because yesterday I went out to deliver my papers and my car was literally sliding everywhere I went! I hardly could make it on my route but it was still really fun but cold also.  
Holy cow they are showing an ASPCA commercial and I am wanting to cry because I love animals very much and I hate how people can just abandon or abuse their pet!!!!!!! It's not right and to me very wrong! I wish that more people would help animals out instead of hurting them more...Someday I would really love to help animals!! That would be amazing if I could help them out one day...oh well that is in the future to come.....nothing really to talk about so I think i'm done blabbing my mind

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pep Rally

Well, I normally don't get into the pep rally's at any of the schools that I have been in, but today's was very hilarious!! My favorite part of it would be the part where the teachers are dancing! That will be alot of fun to give teachers some crap on it later but I will be nice because I thought it was really cool. A few of my friends went down to do the rock-paper-scissors competition thing but none of them made it to the finals. Oh well, they had a lot of fun doing it so that's all that matters. I am now going to have to add that to one of my funniest viewed videos on youtube! hee hee, Also I am going to show it to some people that I know will get a kick out of it and think awesome...or maybe not...I don't know for sure yet. there's the link if you want to watch it if you can't find it.
I am looking outside and am getting very tired of looking at snow constantly outside...I am really tired of it even though I did the poem on it. It just gets old too me fast...Just me though ^_^

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


So apparently it is snowing again...yipee :/ we don't need anymore snow!!! ha ha ha, I even am tempted to randomly write something again about it ;P no way jose XD I want to be where it is nice and warm! My friend who is Oklahoma called me the other day and was bragging about how he was outside! It was about 78 degrees there so i told him, 'I hate you,' not really meaning it. Oh well...this is nebraska for you sadly XP
Ok, so my dogs love to go for rides with any of us and mom went out last night to get my brother and his friends. She called the dogs along and apparently Trina jumped off the bottom of our steps out front and fell down instantly. She didn't know that there was ice there and just went down hard on the sidewalk. She is ok, but it is actually very funny because that dog can run very fast when we go to the dog park or anywhere with a big area. She will run extremely fast and not even once lose her balance. Trina trys to stop by our other dog, Rosie, when she is running really fast and mostly manages to run into her. It is quite comical and always fun to watch.
Well there is nothing else really to blog about so i think i'm going to go and do something else now. ;p later

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Scooby Doo!! XD

Well my mom came home just a while ago and has a new sweat shirt on again...I have no idea why she is wearing a red one when her favorite color is orange but still looks great. I noticed though that when she got home she had embroidered scooby doo on it again!!! ha ha ha, this is the 3rd sweat shirt of her's that she has embroidered only scooby on it. Lol, if you don't know my mom loves scooby doo very much! The van even has scooby doo on it and the windows as well XD hee hee. But that is my mom for ya with scooby doo...she has started embroidering with a brother sewing machine and absolutely loves it! Me...i think i'm going to break the thing because i don't do well with sewing thingys XD but any way she really loves it and is having a great blast with it. A sweat shirt that she is going to embroider for me sometime is one with fishing on it for when we can go fishing again in the spring and summer!
Sitting here thinking randomly i just realized that i fell 3x today and bruised on all 3 spots of the fall...OUCH!!! lol, both of my knees are bruised again like my last fall that i had still this year and then i fell on my hip which really hurt XD i've never fallen on it before . Most of the time i just either fall backwards or straight to my knees...i'm surprised that they are able to still move so easily! ha ha ha, so yeah i new have 4 bruises which is the least number that i've ever had...
hm...I wonder what the weather will do tonight...we were only supposed to get flurries today i found out and then i saw that it was snowing pretty good for a very long time. o.O i just realized that i've have now changed the subject of my topic about 3x now XD wow...maybe my lucky number should become 3! Since today i've done a lot of things in threes without even realizing it. I'm not sure...I might just figure this all out tomorrow because i am tired right now honestly...actually i'm surprised that i'm even still up!!! I am exhausted from all the running around after school that i had to can't complain here ha ha ha ha ha, well before i start to bore people to death i think i'm going to stop blogging now XD well laters ;P

A Poem idea

The Snow

The wintery cold blisters around,
Sending spiraling white flakes all around.
It is cold outside.

The white flakes are beautiful as they fall.
They can be large or small…
They melt instantly when you try to catch them.

They taste watery when you stand,
Outside with your mouth wide open.
The flakes create piles of cold snow where ever they fall.

If you could ever look at one up close,
What would they look like?
Are there big designs or just clumps of snow together?

How is the snow able to fall so beautifully?
Watching it fall, piling up everywhere becoming colder.
How can it be so beautiful but yet cold at the same time?

I was simply looking outside during creative writing seeing the huge flakes for the first time since they started. I had a sudden desire to write a poem about the snow...well that was it. I don't know how how i can write things randomly out of my head...It is starting to snow harder!! ha ha ha ha ha, My mom will be enthralled with it. She loves the snow very much! I think that snow is beautiful and makes other things even more beautiful than they already are but it is honestly for me.......TOO COLD!!!!! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, Mom likes to chuckle at me when i curl up on the couch with 3 blankets covering me because I am cold from going outside. Oh well just another insane day from high school!!! XD heh lovin' all the insaneness!! Hee hee XD

Monday, January 17, 2011

Fun Weekend

Yesterday we took a road trip to south Sioux City so mom and I could shop and while dad went looking for a tempo. In one of the stores we found a shirt that really reminded me of a genie XD it was purple, blue, and indigo all mixed together. It was real pretty but I didn't care for the look of the shirt, but the coloring was exceptional!!! Then we went to a different store and mom found things that she wanted and we had a blast trying them out XD lol, I enjoy it when my mom and I can have a day of no fighting or yelling. Even better since it was a long ride I got a bunch of my book read! I am very happy with reading but I almost yelled the car when I got to a part that made me want to cry!!! Mom looked back at me like, 'Are you ok back there?' I just smiled and went back to reading! XD so then mom turned around and read her book also. I think might have made some people frustrated who were trying to get a hold of me though XD hahahahaha, I did not answer my phone at all on the way to Sioux City. It kept going off constantly but I didn't answer it til we got to the stores.
We also went into Petsmart and I saw a yellow budgie bird that is a rare coloring!!! Mom and I wanted to get it but dad said no. We don't need anymore birds! We have enough already that you spoil rotton. Mom and I grinned evilly and laughed. But I was still sad becasue we didn't get the yellow budgie....I hope that we can find one again sometime. Oh, I also found out that the budgie we do have who is completely pure white is a rare coloring as well!!! They had one exactly like ours and it said Rare Parakeets...THESE BIRDS ARE NOT PARAKEETS!!! THEY ARE BUDGIES!!!! Gah, the stores always get the bird types of these little guys wrong!!! Kind of really aggravates me XD hahahaha
Then we left and decided to get some pop which the closest thing was a pop machine by a hyvee gas pumps. So we got pop out of them and the mountain dew that I got was frozen solid!!! XD I laughed and couldn't believe that it was frozen completely!!! So the parents got me another one and it was freezing cold to drink but tasted good ;P yay! Then we went home and...didn't do much for the rest of the evening. I read my book some more trying to bug my mom to look at a story but she never did :/ oh well. I'll get her tonight!!! hahahahahaha well later ;P

Friday, January 14, 2011

.....................School ;P

Well took our first quiz for CW and passed with flying colors! Not a single one was wrong. Yay XD hahahhaha i am in such a weid mood right now...I got done with PE and wanted to collapse from exerting too much energy because I am still sick. I still wish to try my hardest and have fun even being sick. Lol, probably not the best idea to help me get better but oh well I can handle being sick.
My bro and his girlfriend left today at 12:15 for Speech and Debate. He competes in it and is an amazing debater! I've not seen him or her debate yet but I know that I will soon enough.
I got some of my drama crud figured out last night so Yay!!! Don't have to worry about it any more XD lol. Also got my cinderella story finished...might make it longer but don't know for sure yet XD hee hee well i'm done blogging for now so later

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Drama -_- DX

Ugh!!! So much drama going on in my life right now that it is ridiculous!!!!!! I have not had so much drama since....i don't even remember when!!! ha ha ha ha ha ha that's pretty sad XD I am very thankful though for my friends who have helped me through some of the drama. Thank you ^.^ Well i got more of my story done so i am happy though not really sure which direction it is heading....oh well heh still enjoy writing it!!!! 
Listening to my mom play cards with my aunt and grandpa also with the dogs playing around with her pup so she'll go to bed tonight. They are playing phase 10...haven't played that game in like...forever!!!!!!!! XD lol oh well...crud i need to figure out what to do for winter royalty... O.O wow i can't believe that it is already to that time....the year has blown by so fast!!!!! I can hardly believe that it has gone by so fast!! My senior year is already half over...after i graduate i'm going to miss a lot of my friends...I really am....gah i feel like i'm going all mushy now XD lmao so instead of going too to stop blogging and work on my story... *sigh* or maybe do actual homework >.>

School >.>

Another great day at school....that is normally what parents would like to hear when they talk to their kids...But what if it was a bad day? How do you explain that to them? How do you explain a situation that has gone from bad to worse? Should you try to ignore it or try to take care of the problem?
I don't know...just rambling on randomly XD hahahahahahaha! Being random is great fun!! I hope that it doesn't snow a lot this weekend...i don't care for the snow XP heh heh. I really miss my friend from NY...I really want to go visit her. She is great fun and always can cheer me up from any down mood. Oh well, maybe someday...i also need to figure out what to get her for a christmas gift! I feel so way behind since falling sick with pnuemonia... :/ bah hahahaha I am getting better though!!! Slowly as I still cough constantly but that gets the crud all out so it's all good....maybe XD I really don't have anything else on my mind except an assignment that I am going to work on...i might blog later know with me XD hee hee!!!
OH!!!! GUNSLINGER!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! I love the buttons!!!!! Thank you again!!!!!!! I will get your gift to you asap!!!! well later ;P

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Freezing Cold!!!!!

I'm sitting at home under 2 different blankets attempting to warm up XD Wow...I don't think I've ever felt really so frozen before in a long time! But I'm still very cold...oh well I'm just going to curl up under more blankets and hope to warm up....and am starting to become bored going to turn on some music and have a bunch of different poem ideas flow through. It was completely random but 2 weeks ago when my mom took me out of the house and i was able to sit in the sun...I had the most random story idea!!! I was just sitting there and it was almost like it was suddenly happening in front of my eyes as i sat there.

The story idea that popped up goes like this:

The sun is shining on a cold winter day but little heat penetrates through the cold. An orange pickup truck is speeding around a corner, fishtailing and hitting a car on the side. It just speeds on forward the engine roaring as the man driving it floored the vehicle to go faster. 
In the street are kids about the age of 4-6 years old, having a snowball fight in the street. A beautiful six year old girl, with white blond hair, is in the middle of the street throwing a snowball at a friend of hers. 
The young girl's mother is in their house getting hot chocolate for the kids while talking on the phone to another friend. The mother gets done talking on the phone and the hot chocolates are ready. She steps out onto the front porch with the steaming mugs on a tray and she instantly sees the orange truck. The woman drops the tray in complete horror at seeing her daughter in the street. 
The young girl throws the snowball at her friend and turns to look at her house. She sees the speeding orange truck but it doesn't register to get out of the way. She sees that her mother has just dropped the tray of mugs. The girl's eyes instantly lock onto her favorite mug and watches it as it falls. As the mug hits the porch and shatters the young girl screams in complete agony...the orange truck has hit her and drove over her without slowing down at all. The girl is thrown off her feet and tumbles under the truck's tires. The driver feels the bump but doesn't slow down, he only floors it to get away from the house.
The mother screams and is running off the porch yelling for help. The other kids around stare in horror as the young girl lays still and her head begins the bleed on the snow. The girl still barely conscious only sees her blood mix with the snow and stain her hair in blotches of red. She then dies in the middle of the street when her mother reaches her side. But it is too late for the young girl...

That story idea hit me in a rush!!...deciding yet what to do with oh well. Later people...need to stop some drama crap going on right now...... :/ great ~.~`

Why I took Creative Writing?

I took creative writing because I enjoy writing things. I'll be sitting some where and have the most random idea for a poem, story, or whatever i feel like writing. I enjoy writing all the different ideas that pop up and can change them into so many wonderful things. It's great the use my imagination to make the poem or story bringing it almost to life. I get random ideas all the time so i also thought that this will challenge my brain to bring it to story. My mom and I kind of also want to create some books to sell maybe someday! I had an idea and we have been talking about it since almost creating a preview of it. I'm hoping to challenge myself to write faster and better.